We make impact our mission

We had to create an intro for this page, but really, we’d rather our work speak for itself…

Economic Development Slate Communications Economic Development Slate Communications

Economic Development and Urban Renewal Marketing: Parker, CO

The words “urban renewal” and “economic development” may not be understood by the general public, so how do you create something that explains the importance of these projects and their impact on the community? Parker, Colorado, is ahead of the curve in trying to demystify urban renewal and is backing up this strategy by doubling down on economic development marketing.

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Communications Strategy, Economic Development Slate Communications Communications Strategy, Economic Development Slate Communications

City of Corinth, TX

The City of Corinth is a steadily growing community. Noticing the growth around them, the City organization wanted to harbor that growth to appeal to a more diverse population including younger families. Additionally, there was a need to market the community to bring in new retail establishments, restaurants, and build new community gathering spaces.

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